Sunday, June 26, 2011

Republicans put the brakes on the debt ceiling talks...

As you know, there is a bi-partisan group of politicians trying to figure out a way to raise the debt ceiling. The Republicans want to cut spending by at least the amount the debt ceiling will be raised. But, in true democrat fashion, the other side wants to increase taxes AND increase spending! WTF?

At this point, if I were a Republican on the committee, there wouldn't be an increase in the debt ceiling at all. Refusing to raise the debt ceiling comes with it's own, built in spending cuts. In order to keep from defaulting on our debt we would have to reduce spending.

Almost every day you hear about some stupid government program that costs tax payers millions or even billions of dollars and accomplishes little or nothing. Why don't these bonehead politicians start by cutting these programs. In the grand scheme of things, a few million dollars isn't much, but all of those millions add up to billions. It would also show us, the people who actually pay the bills, that these assholes give a damn. Every time I hear about my tax dollars being wasted on some idiot program, it pisses me off. The people that we elect don't give a damn about being good stewards of our money. They care about the next election.

We need to elect people who care more about this Country than getting re-elected. If these people got into office and did the right thing, they wouldn't have to worry about the next election, it would be a guarantee. Instead the pander to lobbyists and fringe groups, hoping that throwing money around will make them popular. I guess it works. Look at some of the dumbasses that keep getting re-elected, like charlie rangel and nancy pelosi.

Our Country is going to hell and nobody seems to care...

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