Thursday, July 21, 2011

department of homeland security - what a bunch of dumbasses...

Watch the video below, it's a little bit interesting.

The only reason that it's even remotely interesting is because of the "terrorists". Really? Are all terrorists white guys dressed in black with big fucking sunglasses?

You know, I've seen pictures of every one of the 9/11 terrorist thugs and not a single one of them fit that description, not one. As a matter of fact, not one of them was white. They were ALL some kind of middle eastern and muslim. Hmmm... that's a head scratcher there. Are we supposed to suspicious of our WHITE neighbors because they happen to wear a black hoodie and some glasses? Sure seems like it from the video.

Granted, there have been some white dumbass terrorists. That idiot mcveigh and his retarded friend terry nichols come to mind. Even the dipshit in Arizona recently, jared loughner. But if you take a hard look at the statistics, worldwide, 99% of the terrorists look a whole lot more like the 9/11 guys than mcveigh or loughner.

I wonder what it cost us, the tax payers, for napolitano and her bunch of thugs to produce this video? What if instead of producing bullshit videos they actually did something to protect our Homeland? Like maybe stop the people from middle eastern countries who illegally enter our Country along the southern border? Or maybe track down some of the criminals who have entered with legal, short term visas and never went home? Do you know that in 2006 approximatley 45% of all illegal aliens in this Country were student or business visa overstayers? And over half a million illegal immigrants came here that year? That means about 250,000 were here on visas and never went home. Where are they now? The dhs doesn't give a damn, they are too busy trying to nail some white guys.

This label bullshit from napolitano has been old for a long time now. Just because we were in the Military, own guns and think obama is a worthless piece of shit DOES NOT MAKE US TERRORISTS. It does make us more intelligent than 53% of this Country though...

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