Friday, April 29, 2011

NRA to Call for Holder's Resignation Over 'Project Gunrunner' Allegations

The NRA should not only call for the resignation of holder, but doing away with the entire atf.

While everyone is saying that project gunrunner was an operation designed to bring down gun smuggling operations in the US and mexico, I have my doubts. I think it was a way to pad the numbers of guns  winding up south of the border with the goal of further restricting our gun rights. I think that mexico actually had very little to do with it other than being a destination.

I truly believe the atf is so anti-gun and so corrupt that it completely ignores all rules in it's quest to end our freedoms. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that obama is involved in this up to his neck. That isn't something we are likely to find out. His fingerprints in this have been covered well. holder is another matter. With enough digging and the cooperation of a few insiders and there are bound to be tracks leading to his door.

I hope the NRA isn't holding their breath on this, holder will never willingly walk away. He and obama have proven that they give not a damn about the opinion of the American people...

By William Lajeunesse - FoxNews

Having deflected questions so far regarding how much he knew about a federal project suspected of allowing guns sold in the U.S. to be illegally smuggled to Mexico, Attorney General Eric Holder is under fire again, this time from the National Rifle Association, a conservative group with a loud voice and influence in Washington.

Sources tell Fox News that NRA Executive Director Wayne LaPierre will call for Holder's resignation in a Saturday morning speech at the NRA's annual meeting in Pittsburgh.

LaPierre has criticized Holder's handling of "Project Gunrunner." The program of the Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is intended to stop the flow of guns to criminals in Mexico, but whistleblowers claim the bureau actually encouraged the illegal sale of firearms to known criminals, then allowed those guns to be smuggled to Mexico and tracked.

The practice of knowingly allowing guns to "walk" -- or be sold to straw buyers and then transferred to criminal organizations -- is against ATF policy. However, at least 15 ATF whistleblowers claim the agency, with the approval of Holder's Department of Justice, encouraged gun stores to make sales to questionable buyers, then failed to interdict the weapons.

According to Mexican authorities, at least 1,800 of those weapons were successfully smuggled into Mexico, where the cartels used them to commit crimes and foment violence.

What especially galls and upsets U.S. gun owners is this: While the ATF was allegedly sending guns south, hoping to eventually bust the entire trafficking organization, Obama administration officials, including President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were partly blaming U.S. gun stores for the violence in Mexico.

"This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States. ... More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border," President Obama said on a visit to Mexico on April 16, 2009.

Read the rest at the link above...

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